Lesson Three
- Cascading and Inheritance
- Cascading and Inheritance (DDoS Attacks)
- Cascading and Inheritance w/o inline styles (DDoS Attacks
- Forcing inheritance (example with links)
- Colors, Sizes, Fonts
- Colors (against BlanchedAlmond background)
- Colors (against Orchid background)
- The Color Picker! You give it a color, and it will give you lighter and darker shades.
- The Color Mixer! You give it two colors, and it will show you intermediate blends.
- Sizes
- Fonts
- Google Fonts
- Floating
- Using float with text
- Using float with image (Murach example)
- Selectors and Pseudo-classes
- Attribute Selectors (Apple products)
- Using Relationships with Selectors (Prog Language abstracts)
- Pseudo-elements (The Wolf and the Fox)
- Demonstration of :last-child
- Numbered headings and paragraphs using counters
- See the updates to the nested lists and nested order lists from Lesson One.
- See the :not selector used in the relative hyperlinks file from Lesson One.
Lesson Four
- Selectors and Pseudo-classes
- UI Pseudo-Class Selectors in a Form
- See dynamic pseudo-class selectors in action in the List of Links document from Lesson One
- See use of :target in the Headings as Section Elements document from Lesson One
- Backgrounds and Borders
- Borders
- Guide to using images as borders
- Image backgrounds for HTML elements
- Positioning an image in the background (The Walking Dead)
- Positioning Backgrounds
- Using linear gradients in backgrounds
- Outlines and Drop Shadows (Adam at the Arctic)
- The Box Model
- Demonstration files
- Using box-sizing
- Using min and max sizing
- Dealing with content overflow
- Using the display property
- display:none in action
- A JScript use of display:none (Presidential slideshow)
- Clearing float
- Page Layout
- A good blog on <time>
- A good list of mime types
- Solutions (protected area)
Lesson Five
- Positioning
- Advanced Features
- COLUMNS: See the "All Text Elements" document from Lesson One. (Opera suggested.)
- FLEXBOXES: Home page with flexbox sections
- OPACITY: Varying opacity values
- CSS SLIDESHOW: Presidential slideshow
- CSS ANIMATIONS: Good examples from Mozilla
- FORMAT FOR PRINTING: See the "Other Section Elements" document from Lesson One (Impact of 9/11)
- Tables
- See the formatted Nascar Table from Lesson Two
Lesson One with CSS
- Demonstration of Global Attributes
- Hyperlinks
- List of links using tabindex and accesskey (World of Warcraft)
- Relative hyperlinks
- The Text Elements
- The Grouping Elements
- All Grouping Elements
- Nested Lists
- Nested Ordered Lists (Fantasy Novels)
- The Section Elements
- Headings (Fantasy Novels)
- Other Section Elements (Impact of 9/11; best viewed in Chrome)
Lesson Two with CSS
- Tables and Images
- Sample Table (QB Ratings)
- A Very Long Table (NASCAR)
- Table Accessibility Using TD Headers
- Tables In Tables (Olympics)
- Tables and Images (Impressionism)
- Resizing Images
- Image Maps
- Server-Side Image Maps
- iFrames
- Multimedia
- Audio (old style)
- Video (old style)
- Audio (with audio tags)
- Murach Examples
- Forms
- Simple Form with GET (subscribe)
- Major Form Controls with POST (subscribe)
- Other Controls