
Selected Fantasy Books

  1. Books by Steven R. Donaldson
    1. The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant, the Unbeliever
      1. Lord Foul's Bane
      2. The Illearth War
      3. The Power That Preserves
    2. The Second Chronicles of Thomas Covenant
      1. The Wounded Land
      2. The One Tree
      3. White Gold Wielder
    3. The Last Chronicles of Thomas Covenant
      1. The Runes of the Earth
      2. Fatal Revenant
      3. Against All Things Ending
      4. The Last Dark
  2. Books by J.R.R. Tolkein
    1. The Hobbit (There and Back Again)
    2. The Lord of the Rings Trilogy
      1. The Fellowship of the Ring
        1. The Ring Sets Out
        2. The Ring Goes South
      2. The Two Towers
        1. The Treason of Isengard
        2. The Ring Goes East
      3. The Return of the King
        1. The War of the Ring
        2. The Return of the King
  3. Books by Philip Jose Farmer
    1. Riverworld
      1. To Your Scattered Bodies Go
      2. The Fabulous Riverboat
      3. The Dark Design
      4. The Magic Labyrinth
      5. Gods of Riverworld
    2. Dayworld
      1. Dayworld
      2. Dayworld Rebel
      3. Dayworld Breakup

      ol { counter-reset: item }
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      ol li:before { content: counters(item, ".") " "; counter-increment: item }

note that ol li was used to only affect li's contained in an ol, as my menu options are list items.