getError(); if ($error) { echo "

Constructor error

" . $error . "
"; } $result = $client->call("getQuote", array("book" => $book)); trace("\t\$result returned."); if ($client->fault) { echo "


    echo "
"; } else { $error = $client->getError(); if ($error) { echo "


" . $error . "
"; } else { transform($result); } } function transform($xml) { // Build XSL $xsl = ' Quote of the Day

A Bible Quote for Today


'; $xslDoc = DOMDocument::loadXML($xsl); $xmlDoc = DOMDocument::loadXML($xml); $processor = new XSLTProcessor(); $processor->importStyleSheet($xslDoc); echo $processor->transformToXML($xmlDoc); } function trace($message) { $outFile = "bibleWStrace.log"; // write new data to file $fh = fopen($outFile, 'a') or die("can't open file"); // 'w' = overwrite existing file, 'a' = add to file $now = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $file = pathinfo(__FILE__); // Get information about this file. fwrite($fh,"\n" . $now .": " . $message . " (" . $file['dirname'] . "/" . $file['basename'] . ")"); }