
Criteria for judging a research poster

Poster Content

  • Problem and Motivation: 10 points.
    Clearly state the problem being addressed and explain the reasons for seeking a solution to this problem.
  • Background and Related Work: 10 points.
    Describe the pertinent background necessary to appreciate the work. Include references to the literature where appropriate, and briefly explain where your work departs from that done by others.
  • Approach, Research Methods, Uniqueness 15 points.
    Describe your approach in attacking the problem and, if you are representing publishable research, clearly state how your approach is novel.
  • Results and Contributions: 10 points.
    Clearly show how the results of your work contribute to computer science and explain the significance of those results.
  • Discussion, significance of contribution, conclusions 15 points Study results normally refer to direct answers to your research questions that you generate from the data. Discussion is about interpreting your study results. When you discuss the study results, you relate your study findings to previous studies; you contextualize the contribution of your study.

Poster Presentation

  • Visual Presentation: 20 points.
    Does the poster use techniques to visualize the information involved in the research? Can the reader understand the project by looking at the poster for 2 to 3 minutes?
  • Oral Presenation: 10 points.
    Is the researcher confident in explaining the problem, the methods and the results? Does the researcher answer questions well regarding the project?