The Bicycle Shop

This is a student project to illustrate the kind of documentation that can be produced in the analysis and design phases of a project. It is meant to be illustrative and is not guaranteed to be 100% correct.   It takes much of its inspiration from an ATM Simulation project from Gordon College.

This document represents the evolution of system design of a Bike Shop application from the analysis phase to the design phase.

It is based on the following requirements.

The analysis phase consists of the following documents:

  1. Use Case Descriptions to describe the business flows, including primary and alternate flows
  2. Use Case Diagrams to represent system components, actors, and how they interact.
  3. Analysis Classes to depict the classes from a controller view
  4. Sequence Diagrams to depict the general flow between the various components (which generally translate to object-oriented classes)
  5. Initial Functional Tests based off the primary and alternate flows, which can be expanded on in the testing phase of the project.

The design phase consists of the following documents:

  1. Updated Sequence Diagrams to depict the general flow between the various components (which generally translate to object-oriented classes)
  2. State Diagrams which show various components and the states through which they progress
  3. Design Summary which describes the design approach, patterns used, and documents design decisions
  4. Class Diagram which shows the classes needed and key class properties and methods
  5. CRC Cards which indicate the responsibilities and collaborators of each class