Class links
Fall 2024
Background Material
- Why all the soft skills? I just want to program
- ASRC's Excerpted Definition of Done
- How to speak the language of risk -- Don't forget to discuss mitigation strategies!
- The origins of Scrum: including the answer to the question "What is different between ScrumAlliance and scrum.org?"
- the Collaborative hybrid methodology which uses Waterfall and Scrum for different SDLC phases
- a hybrid methodology which is more blended.
- GitHub is required for code repositories. You can learn about Git in general from Lynda — Git essentials training
Supplemental Materials
- Supplemental materials for life cycle phase
- Tools for Lecture Section
- SWENG Slides for Class
- UML Slides and Videos
- Readings: including the Scrum Guide
- Deliverable tempates
- The Bike Shop
You will find the following rubrics here:- Client Sprint Evaluations
- Peer Assessment Form (also in BlackBoard)
- Self Assessment Form (also in BlackBoard)
- Other class rubics, e.g., good presentation, good documentation...