Selected Fantasy Books
(Using simple styles)
- Books by Steven R. Donaldson
- The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant, the Unbeliever
- Lord Foul's Bane
- The Illearth War
- The Power That Preserves
- The Second Chronicles of Thomas Covenant
- The Wounded Land
- The One Tree
- White Gold Wielder
- The Last Chronicles of Thomas Covenant
- The Runes of the Earth
- Fatal Revenant
- Against All Things Ending
- The Last Dark
- Books by J.R.R. Tolkein
- The Hobbit (There and Back Again)
- The Lord of the Rings Trilogy
- The Fellowship of the Ring
- The Ring Sets Out
- The Ring Goes South
- The Two Towers
- The Treason of Isengard
- The Ring Goes East
- The Return of the King
- The War of the Ring
- The Return of the King
- Books by Philip Jose Farmer
- Riverworld
- To Your Scattered Bodies Go
- The Fabulous Riverboat
- The Dark Design
- The Magic Labyrinth
- Gods of Riverworld
- Dayworld
- Dayworld
- Dayworld Rebel
- Dayworld Breakup