This is the division for the <div> tag.
As division is a block element (unlike <span>), this division will include many paragraphs.
In the excellent HTML5 reference guide Freeman, Adam. The Definitive Guide to HTML5. Apress. 14-Dec-2011., author Adam Freeman discusses the <div> tag:
"You should use the div element only as a last resort, when those elements that do have semantic significance are not appropriate. Before using the div element, consider using the new HTML5 elements, such as article and section. There is nothing intrinsically wrong with div, but you should strive to include semantic information wherever possible in your HTML5 documents."
Do you remember my favorite deprecated tag XMP? Well pre is close to it, but it will sadly render all tags embedded inside it. So you will not see the strong tags which surround me even though they are included inside the pre tags. However, you will notice that line breaks are preserved from the source HTML document, as well as extra white space between words.