Human Computer Interaction
authors: Dix, Finlay, Abowd, Beale
- Part One: Foundations
1. The human
2. The computer
3. The interaction
4. Paradigms
Part Two: Design Proces-
5. Interaction design basics
6. HCI in the software process
7. Design rules
8. Implementation support
9. Evaluation techniques
10. Universal design
11. User support
Part Three: Models and Theories-
12. Cognitive models
13. Socio-organizational issues and stakeholder requirements
14. Communication and collaboration models
15. Task analysis
16. Dialogue notations and design
17. Models of the system
18. Modelling rich interaction
Part Four: Outside the Box-
19. Groupware
20. Ubiquitous computing and augmented realities
21. Hypertext, multimedia, and the world wide web
End Matter- References
Don't Make Me Think!
author: Steve Krug
- Guiding Principles
- Don't Make Me Think — Krug's first law of usability
- How We Really Use the Web — Scanning, satisficing, and muddling through
- Billboard Design 101 — Designing for scanning, not reading
- Animal, Vegetable, or Mineral? — Why users like mindless choices
- Omit Needless Words — The art of not writing for the Web
- Don't Make Me Think — Krug's first law of usability
- Things You Need to Get Right
- Street Signs and Breadcrumbs — Designing navigation
- The Big Bang Theory of Web Design — The importance of getting people off on the right foot
- Street Signs and Breadcrumbs — Designing navigation
- Making Sure You Got Them Right
- The Farmer and the Cowman Should be Friends — Why arguments about usability are a waste of time, and how to avoid them
- Usability Testing on 10 Cents a Day — Keeping testing simple so you do enough of it
- The Farmer and the Cowman Should be Friends — Why arguments about usability are a waste of time, and how to avoid them
- Larger Concerns and Outside Influences
- Mobile: It's Not Just a City in Alabama Anymore
- Usability as Common Courtesy —
- Accessibility and You
- Guide for the Perplexed — Making usability happen where you live
- Mobile: It's Not Just a City in Alabama Anymore