
Schedule for DB

Week of (Mon) Tuesday Thursday Assignments
1/25 1. Introduction to Databases
2. Data Modeling

Modeling our Movie Database
in Access and Using the Query Wizard

Chapter 3: Data Modeling Using the ER Model
No class today Read chapters 3, 4
2/1 2. Data Modeling

Section Tally Modeling
Making a simple ER diagram for our Movie database

Chapter 3: Data Modeling Using the ER Model
2. Data Modeling

Section Tally Modeling

Chapter 3: Data Modeling Using the ER Model (n-ary relationships)
Section 9.1: Relational DB Design Using ER-Relational Mapping Algorithm
Getting setup for class
2/8 2. Data Modeling

Reading ER diagrams, Weak Entities, Identifying Relationships, Unary and n-ary

Chapter 3: Data Modeling Using the ER Model
2. Data Modeling

Section Tally Modeling

Chapter 3: Data Modeling Using the ER Model (n-ary relationships)
Section 9.1: Relational DB Design Using ER-Relational Mapping Algorithm
Read chapter 9

Complete exercise 3.22 in the textbook. Upload your Chen-based ER diagram, a screen shot of the physical model from Access, the Access database you have created, and a Word file that states the assumptions you have made. For this exercise, you must use a Baseball team.
2/15 2. Data Modeling
Section 9.1: Relational DB Design Using ER-Relational Mapping Algorithm
Chapter 4: The Enhanced ER (EER) Model
Section 9.2: Mapping EER Model Constructs to Relations
2. Data Modeling
(final thoughts, if needed)

MySQL Workbench: queries, table creation, data population, primary and foreign keys

3. Keys, SELECT and inner joins
Chapter 5: The Relational Data Model and Relational DB Constraints
Read chapters 5, 6
2/22 3. Keys, SELECT and inner joins
Chapter 5: The Relational Data Model and Relational DB Constraints
Section 6.3: Basic Retrieval Queries in SQL
3. SELECT, inner joins, variables

MySQL Workbench, Sakila and AdventureWorks queries

Chapter 5: The Relational Data Model and Relational DB Constraints
Section 6.3: Basic Retrieval Queries in SQL
Read chapter 10

PROJECT Part 1: Submission due 2/17;
Graded with final project.

Building a database for Research Papers
Create the tables and constraints for a citation management system. Populate the tables.

You can begin the SQL Self Study Assignment(s)

3/8 4. Database Programming

Chapter 10: Introduction to SQL Programming Techniques
5. Adv. SQL: Outer Joins, UNIONS,

Section 7.1.6: Joined Tables in SQL and Outer Join

Joining Tables in Adventureworks

Read chapter 7
TEST 1: Data Modeling
3/15 5. Advanced Queries:
    Aggregation Queries

Section 7.1.7: Aggregate Functions in SQL
Section 7.1.8: Grouping: The GROUP BY and HAVING Clauses
6. Subqueries:
Sections 7.1.2: Nested Queries
PROJECT Part 2: Submission due 3/2;
Graded with final project.

PHP — Research Paper System
3/22 6. Subqueries:
    Correlated Queries

Sections 7.1.2: Nested Queries Sections 7.1.3 - 7.1.4: Correlated Queries, EXISTS/UNIQUE

Subqueries in AdventureWorks

7. NoSQL, CAP Theorem,
    Intro to MongoDB

Chapter 24: NoSQL DBs and Big Data Storage Systems
SQL Self Study Assignment(s)
3/29 7. MongoDB
8. Normalization
    Intro to Funct. Dependencies

Chapter 14: Basics of Functional Dependencies and Normalization for Relational DB
Read chapter 14

4/5 8. Normalization
    Funct. Dependencies, 1NF, 2NF

Chapter 14: Basics of Functional Dependencies and Normalization for Relational DB
8. Normalization
    BCNF, higher forms
Read chapter 29
4/12 9. Views
Section 29.6 Data Warehouse vs. Views
10. Performance: Indexes
Chapter 17: Indexing Structures for Files and Physical DB design
PROJECT Part 3: DUE: 4/27.

Views, Materialized Views and Triggers
4/26 10. Performance: Indexes and Explain
Chapter 17: Indexing Structures for Files and Physical DB design
11. NoSQL: Neo4j a Graph DB
Chapter 24: NoSQL DBs and Big Data Storage Systems
O'Reilly Text: Neo4j


Read chapter 20 and chapter 30

ASSIGNMENT 5/4: Neo4j database
4/26 12. Special Topics
Chapter 20: Introduction to Transaction Processing Concepts and Theory
Chapter 30: Database Security
5/3 Finals Week Finals Week
